excuse from

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excuse from

更新时间:2025-03-10 23:24:15
  • 单语例句
  • 双语例句

1. The company insisted that the incidents were mainly due to poor weather, ostensibly a legitimate excuse to exempt itself from compensating passengers for the inconvenience they suffered.

2. No excuse can exonerate the authorities responsible for this incident from the charge of deliberate abuse of power.

3. Deputy Chen Yaodong from East China's Zhejiang Province yesterday said some government staff have used " expropriation for public interests " as an excuse.

4. One woman said she could get a medical excuse from her doctor across the street.

5. Such gravity was attached to the morning audience that the emperor himself was hard put to excuse himself from it.

6. Their underlying goal is to find an excuse for restrictive measures to answer calls from their domestic textile associations.

7. So there is no excuse for the authorities standing by with folded arms while bulldozers force people from their homes.

8. " We oppose any person using any excuse or in any name splitting Taiwan from China, " Liu said.

9. Since most holding centres were only partly financed from State funds, some used this as an excuse to charge those detained to augment their insufficient funding.

10. So Obama sent a note to the kid's teacher to excuse him from class.

excuse from的近义词

1. The specific mode is: Fall in love with the female at first sight—Swear an oath of enduring fidelity—Find an excuse and abandon the other. From the point of view of culture, it is a result of the idea of men's superiority to women; from the point of view of society, it is the potential influence of the attitude of being well-matched in social and...

2. Excuse me, can you tell me how far it is from Xidan to Ditan park?

3. excuse from是什么意思

3. I wrote an excuse for my absence from school.

4. excuse from

4. The only possible excuse for not loving and laughing at this collection from THE American Author is either you do not speak English, or you are an ignorant shmuck.

5. And being thus become wicked, perverse, and corrupt in all his ways, he hath lost all his excellent gifts which he had received from God, and only retained a few remains thereof, which, however, are sufficient to leave man without excuse; for all the light which is in us is changed into darkness, as the Scriptures teach us, saying: The light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not; where St. John calleth men darkness.

6. Yellow border officials found an excuse to extort bribes, gas Hengheng spits out a word from the mouth: 200 rupees.

7. Riley understood what it was like to lead such a sad excuse for a life, and he didn`t judge my cynicism, he didn`t question my motives, he only ever kept me from falling apart.

8. Starting from the introduction of real estate has been under the banner with the Bluebird, IKEA, Haier and other domestic brands combined, the excuse is to seek publicity.

9. His excuse oneself from, represented his own point of view not only, be afraid the point of view that also represented most public.

10. Because, so far, this matter character 8 has not cast aside: It is the accredit that did not acquire relevant branch, 2 it is him Ma Yun also expresses excuse oneself from.

11. Take the lead in the Fan Wei of excuse feels from this oneself very grievance, a bit helpless still.

12. excuse from的近义词

12. After this, wang Mou receives two girls and its work in the same placing again for many times phone, wang Mou all excuse oneself from.

13. excuse from

13. Accordingly, the group of national art courtyard such as Oriental chorus wants her to enter capital obtain employment of purpose, but all by her excuse oneself from.

14. Excuse me, where are you from?

15. Transferring schools to meet the conditions and approval by the education authority shall not be an excuse for rejection of students, receiving indeed difficult to be transferred from the school uniform education authority reported that the swap arrangement.

16. A:Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the laundromat from here?

17. Could you ask her to excuse me from gym today because I have a sore ankle?

18. Mei: Excuse me, are you Mr. Willson from the United States of America?

19. Today, I am sick again so I had to excuse myself from our last class to rest.

20. excuse from的解释

20. I would like to be excuse from table.

  • 临近词
Anyone can say "I am ready to love" but deep inside, it is just their excuse sometimes to save themselves from the pain and humiliation of coming from a failed relationship.(这就话人人都可以说出口,但是,在内心里,有时,这只是逃避痛苦或摆脱恋爱失败觉得丢脸的借口。)
These other countries will claim their difficulties result from the contagion effects of Greece's imminent default, but that excuse is not persuasive.(其他这些国家将会宣称他们的困境都要归因于希腊正在迫近的债务偿还不能所造成的传染效应,不过这种理由并不能成立。)
Just because the rest of the world isn't perfect doesn't excuse us from our own responsibility to be responsible.(只是因为世界上其他地方并不完美,我们没有借口推脱应该承担的责任。)
Although it sounds like a good excuse to avoid physical activity, one that suffers from this allergy will tell you that is not so simple.(虽然说这的确是一个非常好的理由来避免运动,但是患有这种过敏症状的人会告诉你事情并不那么轻松。)
At least, that's the excuse I'll be using from now on.(至少,这就是我准备从现在开始用facebook的理由。)
If you need to leave the table, excuse yourself from the group or at least with the people sitting next to you.(如果你需要离开餐桌,要跟这一桌的人解释一下,至少要跟坐在你旁边的人说一声。)
So, if you are excusing yourself from church attendance and even pursuing the things of God themselves, you really have no excuse.(因此,如果你正在为自己不参加教堂礼拜甚或追随上帝而找借口,那你其实一点借口都没有。)
Ding Lin: Excuse me, but are you Mrs. Brown and Tommy from California?(丁林:对不起,你们是从加州来的布朗太太和汤米吗?)
Excuse me, are you from the UK?(请问,你是英国人吗?)
Another excuse for the states not to yield power is that other big insurance markets are far from consistent.(各州不采取行动的另外一个借口就是其他国家庞大的保险市场也没有统一化。)
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